.: Our Agenda of our activities are available below or directly HERE

►► BOOK NOW OUR SPECIAL 2024 4TH OF JULY PICNIC, follow this link HERE

April, Thursday 26th: Unknown Utah

Andy Jeffries will join us to present "Looking at North America". Andy has had several extended trips in North America over the last 40 years, which included driving across the continents both ways. There will be an empgasis on the South West and the Hig Desert régions that includes many famous National Parks. Come dressed in your cowboy or cowgirl boots and hats, Pardners!

Speaking of hats, Andy has worn many of them and in several countries. He has been a photograpaher, teacher, entrepreneur, musician... and has worked in the UK and USZA, France and Canada. Not to mention he's a member of BDX-USA! Which ever hat he's wearing, his presentation is sure to make us marvel and want to travel to see the beauty he has captured with the lense of his camera.