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Thursday, November 30th: American Foreign Policy - from Obama to Trump

China or Russia may be serious contenders, though the USA remain the first global power and no country on Earth escaped its influence somehow. But in a more and more globalized world, which kind of foreign policy did Obama choose and will Trump do something entirely different?

From 2007 to 2010 Ken Forder was the U.S. Consul in Bordeaux. After a 32 year career with the U.S. Government he decided to come back to Bordeaux. Since September 2016 he has worked as an Associate Professor of International Relations at Sciences Po.

This evening he will join us to compare & contrast the traditional U.S. foreign policies with those of Presidents Trump & Obama.

Thus, continuation of the "Policeman of the World" policy or revival of the "Monroe Doctrine"?

T. Roosevelt and his "Big Stick" diplomacy in the Caribbeans by W.A. Rogers