.: Our Agenda of our activities are available below or directly HERE

►► BOOK NOW OUR SPECIAL 2024 4TH OF JULY PICNIC, follow this link HERE

Thursday, June 30th: Summer buffet

June has been a busy month in Bordeaux (and in the world!). And while la Fête du Vin is over, the EuroCup continues, which means, the Fan Zone is in full swing this week. So...

After the great success of our annual Independence Day Picnic, your hard working team at Bdx-USA has decided that this Thursday, June 30th we will have a Potluck with a bit of a twist. 

What: Buffet of cold meats (chicken, beef & pork) with green bean & rice salads and cheese (provided by the caterers of our Picnic).

Where: 38, Allée d'Orléans - 33 000 Bordeaux

Cost: 3 euros

What else?: Please bring something to drink to share. Wine and/or juice, sodas, etc. (Our cave is just about empty!).

So come help us celebrate another great year of Franco-American friendship! Also, bring your thoughts on world events and we'll do our best to sort it all out. There is certainly enough going on that we will have many topics to discuss!

We look forward to seeing you soon.