.: Our Agenda of our activities are available below or directly HERE

►► BOOK NOW OUR SPECIAL 2024 4TH OF JULY PICNIC, follow this link HERE

Pot Luck

What "surprise dish " will be at the potluck? Join us and find out!

Once again it’s time for our 1st Thursday of the month Potluck Dinner. What a wonderful relaxed way to spend an evening – in French and English!

We count on your spirited defense of the French culinary and winegrowing tradition…but actually American food will do too ;-)

So make your favorite recipe or bring along your favorite foods to share. Oh, and don't forget a bit of the 'vine' or whatever you like to drink.

That night, we will welcome the partners who help us to turn the 4th of July picnic into a success, so please, greet them warmly.