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The Librarian's Choice

Hello everyone,

let me start straightaway with my personal favorite of this summer...

Night Waking by Sarah Moss
Historian Anna Bennett has a book to write. She also has an insomniac toddler, a precocious seven-year-old, and a frequently absent ecologist husband who has brought them all to Colsay, a desolate island in the Hebrides, so he can count the puffins(!). Ferociously sleep-deprived, torn between mothering and her desire for work and solitude, Anna becomes haunted by a discovery in the garden of their house.

Sounds corny and contrived, right? Wrong.
It's just so true.
It is the perfect antidote to those idiotic books how-to-be-a-perfect-mom-adorable-wife-and-successful-career-lipstick-and-laptop genre. The most realistic presentation of situations when you wish to de-fenestrate your children but pause to rub your forehead against their hair and sniff their necks. How you struggle to get through the day and yet are able to laugh at yourself. How you manage to juggle everything at once and still marvel and the transience of it all...

      It's sweet, and real, and funny, and not only for moms :-)
Ah, yeah, and there is the mystery discovery in the garden as well for a touch of history!

Stephen King's hot anticipated offering - Doctor SleepThe sequel to Shining – need I say more??

What happens to Danny, the traumatized boy from the Overlook hotel? He grows up alright but what about his intuitions and unexplainable abilities to sense more than the rest of us? How does he deal with it? Who is after him and why? Is there an external evil entity or something darker lurking inside all of us?
Good luck sleeping in the same room with this book. Either you will not be able to put it down, or you will be too scared to switch off the light.
Find out for yourselves next time you're at the Association!

Good luck and good night
Anna, Your Librarian