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.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

Thursday October 10th: "One Good Mama Bone" by Bren McClain

Bordeaux-USA is honored to have the writer Bren McClain for the presentation of her novel and life.

Set in early 1950s rural South Carolina, "One Good Mama Bone" chronicles Sarah Creamer's quest to find her 'mama bone', after she is left to care for a boy who is not her own but instead is the product of an affair between her husband and her best friend, a woman she calls Sister. When her husband drinks himself to death, Sarah, a dirt-poor homemaker with no family to rely on, must find a way for her and young Emerson Bridge to survive.

The author will speak about what inspired her to write this story and her writing style. She will allow us to discover a time long gone now but that French people can relate to as well.