Info Visa/Passport

.: For any VISA or ESTA application for the U.S.A., our Club can't manage it, only U.S. Embassy in France provides all useful information so please follow this link HERE

►► Celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Bordeaux-Los Angeles twinning, FULL PROGRAM HERE

Assemblée générale



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Hello Everyone!


2013 was certainly an exciting year for Bdx-USA and once again let me thank you on behalf of  le Conseil d’Administration (CdA) for your donations of time and money to ensure that our Association continued through 2013! As of the end of February we have 161 members, which is a number we haven’t seen in a few years.

With some changes at le mairie we’ll need to face some financial decisions this year, so it’s important that you join us at our Assemblée Générale Ordinaire (AGO) on THURSDAY, MARCH 27th at 7 pm. This is the annual meeting for MEMBERS ONLY, to have a chance to review 2013, ask questions, make suggestions and VOTE for new CdA members and the future of Bdx-USA. Below you will find your invitation.

Two of our CdA members have resigned and we have two new members who will run for election to fill the vacancies.
Please let us know if you are interested in joining our TEAM! Contact me or another  CdA member before you say ‘No, I don’t have the time!’ Don’t underestimate how valuable even a couple hours a month can be to the Association!
And if you don’t want to commit to being on the CdA, we have tasks and projects that need to be done 2-3 times a year, such as

  • Finding speakers for our Thursday meetings.
  • Compiling and editing our Newsletter 3x a year.
  • Writing articles for our blog.
  • Coordinating special events like Thanksgiving and the Independence Day Picnic.
  • Finding new funding sources for the Association.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!
All my best,